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PentoMag® for Diesel has been developed with three goals in mind:
- Protect the diesel engine and turbo loader from corrosion and deposits
- Reduce emission
- Reduce fuel consumption
PentoMag® for Diesel is the result of a deep cooperation with one of our clients, where this additive has been developed custom designed for the clients need.
PentoMag® for Diesel is more than a corrosion inhibitor.
It´s a balanced blend of
- cracking-catalysts
- fuel-homogenizers
- combustion-catalysts
- corrosion-inhibitors
PentoMag® for Diesel increases the overall efficiency of diesel engines by around 5%.
This may sound unbelievable, but we can achieve this goal by optimizing not only the engine itself, but most of all the fuel oil treatment station.
Reduce sludge from storage tanks and burn it with the help of the combustion improver
Neutralize corrosion in turbo and recovery boiler
Reduce emission
Dispersing of asphaltenes
Reducing the amount of sludge disposed
The additive includes sludge dispersing solvents and water emulsifiers
Increasing the net calorific value
Combustion catalyst
Increase combustion surface and speed
The catalyst in PentoMag® 4400 evokes a reduction of the activation energy of the fuel.
- carbon burn out is more complete
- less oxygen needed
- producing less smoke and ash
- more efficiency reduces fuel consumption
Vanadium inhibitor
Reducing fouling leads to
- reduced maintenance work
- extended lifetime
Pentol expects a fuel oil saving in the order of 2-5 %, depending on the fuel characteristics, combustion parameters and the general condition of the diesel engine.
Dosing Equipment
We offer a range of individual dosing equipment with minimal maintenance and maximal precision.
Get support from Pentol at
- Storage of chemicals
- Commissioning of dosing unit
- Setting up individual parameters
- Emission measurement and monitoring